Happy Thanksgiving!

"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."  - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

    As you sit down this week with your friends and family around presumably a turkey dinner with gravy and all the fixings, be sure to remember and give thanks to our God for His eternal love, favor, and mercy in Christ.  When you gather with your friends and families this coming Thursday, don't forget to thank our Sovereign Lord for His gift of life in Christ.  Thank Him for His wonderful and great salvation.  Remember the cost.  Remember His covenant of Grace made in eternity, His effectual grace, His redeeming blood, and faithfulness as our surety.  Be sure to praise Him and tell of what He's done for us to others.  And always remember that all of the good things we have in this life are by Him.  If you are saved, it's because Christ saved you.  If you are counted as righteous, it's because HE is your righteousness.  If you are set apart from this world, it's because HE set you apart.  And if you have and continue to persevere in faith, always remember that it is He who preserves you.  Be sure to honor the King at His meal which He has prepared for you.  Grace and Peace.

Topics: Pristine Grace
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